Buffalo State Student sale 09

Buffalo State Student sale 09
all items produced

Silver Buffalo earings

Silver Buffalo earings

Buffalo copper and silver earings

Buffalo copper and silver earings

Buffalo tags 09 Silver

Buffalo tags 09  Silver

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Molten Hot Metal

Getting started a little late this semester, Between custom orders and the rest of my crazy life things have been insane. When it rains it pours. My jewelry in motion project has been on my mind everyday. I am still debaiting on what material to use for my lenses. I will be making a trip to Jo Ann fabrics soon. Anyu other suggestions?


  1. Hi Liz! I remember your concept from the group discussion in class. Other than cabbing or faceting an exsisting lump of glass to a desired shape, you could possibly slump cast bits of glasss in a mold in the small kiln.

  2. Glen That is an awesome idea can we talk more about it Monday?

  3. Sure thing! I'm no expert, but my parents have the gear for cabbing and faceting. If you’re looking to do the casting, I know next to nothing about it except that it’s possible. You may want to do some internet searching on suitable form/mold materials, temps etc. RioGrande sells all kinds of glass and gear for it too.

  4. Post more images of your process. (Glen had a great idea for your glasses.) Let's see what you did.
